Marriage Problems


In astrology and horoscopes, marriage-related issues are a common area of concern for many individuals. Astrologers often analyze birth charts to gain insights into potential challenges and solutions related to marriage and partnerships. Here’s a description of marriage-related issues in horoscopes and a statement highlighting K.S. Astropaath as a source for effective remedies:


In astrology, particularly in the context of Vedic or Indian astrology, the concept of Gunas is often used in match-making or compatibility assessment between two individuals for marriage. The Gunas are attributes or qualities that are assessed based on the positions of the Moon in the birth charts of the individuals. The system used for this purpose is called “Ashtakoot Milan” or simply “Guna Milan.”

There are eight Gunas (qualities) that are considered, and each Guna is associated with certain points. The total points that can be scored in Guna Milan are 36. The more points a couple scores, the better their astrological compatibility is believed to be. Here are the eight Gunas:

Varna (1 point): This Guna represents the spiritual compatibility between the individuals and is based on the varna or caste system in traditional Hindu society. There are four varnas: Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya, and Shudra.

Vashya (2 points): Vashya indicates the level of control or dominance one person has over the other in the relationship. There are five types of Vashya, with each type representing a different level of compatibility.

Tara (3 points): Tara Guna assesses the health and well-being of the partners, especially their longevity, based on the birth stars (Nakshatras).

Yoni (4 points): Yoni Guna is associated with sexual compatibility between the individuals and is based on the animal kingdom. There are 14 Yoni categories, and compatibility is determined by the combination of these categories.

Graha Maitri (5 points): This Guna is associated with the intellectual and mental compatibility between the individuals. It is based on the positions of the Moon signs of both partners.

Gana (6 points): Gana Guna assesses the temperament of the individuals. There are three Ganams: Deva (godly), Manushya (human), and Rakshasa (demon), and compatibility is determined by the combination of these categories.

Bhakoot (7 points): Bhakoot Guna is associated with financial stability, family welfare, and the health of the couple. It is calculated based on the position of the Moon signs in the birth charts.

Nadi (8 points): Nadi Guna is associated with genetic compatibility and progeny. There are three Nadis: Adi, Madhya, and Antya, and compatibility is determined by the combination of these categories.

The total score from the eight Gunas is considered in the context of compatibility. Higher scores are generally associated with better astrological compatibility, while lower scores may indicate potential challenges in the relationship. It’s important to note that while astrology can be interesting and culturally significant, it should not be the sole basis for making important life decisions like marriage. Compatibility in a relationship is influenced by various factors, and astrology is just one of them.

Mangal Dosha, often referred to as Manglik Dosha or Kuja Dosha, is a concept in Vedic astrology that is believed to have an influence on a person’s marital life. It is associated with the planet Mars (Mangal) and is considered in the context of horoscope matching for marriage. Mangal Dosha is believed to bring certain challenges or obstacles in a person’s married life, and it is more relevant in Hindu astrology.

Here are the key aspects of Mangal Dosha:

Mars Placement: A person is said to have Mangal Dosha when Mars is located in certain positions in the birth chart. The positions that trigger Mangal Dosha are:

Mars in the 1st House (Ascendant).
Mars in the 4th House.
Mars in the 7th House.
Mars in the 8th House.
Mars in the 12th House.

In Vedic astrology, there are several astrological factors that are believed to be associated with delays in marriage. These delays can be attributed to the positions and aspects of planets in an individual’s birth chart. Some common reasons for marriage delay in astrology include:

Mangal Dosha: As mentioned earlier, Mangal Dosha is believed to cause delays in marriage due to its potential negative effects on marital life. When a person has Mangal Dosha, they may experience delays in finding a suitable spouse.

Saturn’s Influence: The planet Saturn (Shani) is associated with delays and obstacles. If Saturn is placed unfavorably in the birth chart, it can lead to marriage delays. Saturn’s influence on the 7th house (the house of marriage) can be particularly significant in this regard.

Malefic Planetary Aspects: Malefic aspects (conjunctions, squares, or oppositions) between planets like Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu, and the 7th house or its lord, can lead to marriage delays.

Dasha and Transits: The planetary periods (Dasha) and transits of planets can influence the timing of marriage. Unfavorable Dasha periods can lead to delays, while favorable Dasha periods can facilitate marriage.

Afflictions to the 7th House: Afflictions to the 7th house, which represents marriage in a birth chart, can lead to delays or challenges in finding a suitable partner.

Planetary Retrogrades: Retrograde planets can sometimes create delays in various aspects of life, including marriage. The retrograde motion of a planet can affect the timing of significant life events.

Regarding remedies for marriage delay in astrology, it’s important to note that these remedies are based on traditional beliefs and practices, and their effectiveness is a matter of personal faith. K.S. Astropaath may be a practitioner or organization that offers astrological remedies. Some common remedies for marriage delay include:

Performing Pujas and Yagnas: Certain Vedic rituals, such as Mangal Dosha Nivarana Pujas or Graha Shanti Yagnas, are performed to appease malefic planets and reduce their negative influence.

Wearing Gemstones: Wearing specific gemstones associated with beneficial planets can be recommended to strengthen their influence in one’s life.

Chanting Mantras: Reciting specific mantras dedicated to planetary deities can help mitigate the negative effects of malefic planets.

Donations and Charitable Acts: Making donations to the poor, the needy, or for the betterment of society is believed to be a way to pacify malefic planets.

Consulting an Astrologer: Seeking guidance from a knowledgeable astrologer is important. They can analyze your birth chart, identify the specific causes of marriage delay, and suggest appropriate remedies tailored to your situation.

It’s essential to approach astrological remedies with an open mind and consult with a qualified astrologer who can provide guidance based on your individual birth chart. Keep in mind that while astrology can offer insights and potential remedies, it should be considered as one of several factors in making important life decisions.


Marriage delay :In Vedic astrology, there are several astrological factors that are believed to be associated with delays in marriage. These delays can be attributed to the positions and aspects of planets in an individual’s birth chart. Some common reasons for marriage delay in astrology include:

Mangal Dosha: As mentioned earlier, Mangal Dosha is believed to cause delays in marriage due to its potential negative effects on marital life. When a person has Mangal Dosha, they may experience delays in finding a suitable spouse.

Saturn’s Influence: The planet Saturn (Shani) is associated with delays and obstacles. If Saturn is placed unfavorably in the birth chart, it can lead to marriage delays. Saturn’s influence on the 7th house (the house of marriage) can be particularly significant in this regard.

Malefic Planetary Aspects: Malefic aspects (conjunctions, squares, or oppositions) between planets like Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu, and the 7th house or its lord, can lead to marriage delays.

Dasha and Transits: The planetary periods (Dasha) and transits of planets can influence the timing of marriage. Unfavorable Dasha periods can lead to delays, while favorable Dasha periods can facilitate marriage.

Afflictions to the 7th House: Afflictions to the 7th house, which represents marriage in a birth chart, can lead to delays or challenges in finding a suitable partner.

Planetary Retrogrades: Retrograde planets can sometimes create delays in various aspects of life, including marriage. The retrograde motion of a planet can affect the timing of significant life events.

Regarding remedies for marriage delay in astrology, it’s important to note that these remedies are based on traditional beliefs and practices, and their effectiveness is a matter of personal faith. K S Astropaath offers astrological remedies. Some common remedies for marriage delay include:

Performing Pujas and Yagnas: Certain Vedic rituals, such as Mangal Dosha Nivarana Pujas or Graha Shanti Yagnas, are performed to appease malefic planets and reduce their negative influence.

Wearing Gemstones: Wearing specific gemstones associated with beneficial planets can be recommended to strengthen their influence in one’s life.

Chanting Mantras: Reciting specific mantras dedicated to planetary deities can help mitigate the negative effects of malefic planets.

Donations and Charitable Acts: Making donations to the poor, the needy, or for the betterment of society is believed to be a way to pacify malefic planets.

Consulting an Astrologer: Seeking guidance from a knowledgeable astrologer is important. They can analyze your birth chart, identify the specific causes of marriage delay, and suggest appropriate remedies tailored to your situation.

It’s essential to approach astrological remedies with an open mind and consult with a qualified astrologer who can provide guidance based on your individual birth chart. Keep in mind that while astrology can offer insights and potential remedies, it should be considered as one of several factors in making important life decisions.

In Vedic astrology, disturbances in marriage life can be attributed to various astrological factors and planetary positions in an individual’s birth chart. These disturbances can manifest as conflicts, challenges, or difficulties in a marriage. Here are some astrological factors that are often considered in the context of disturbances in marriage life:

Malefic Planetary Aspects: Malefic aspects, such as conjunctions, squares, or oppositions, between malefic planets or planets that rule the 7th house (the house of marriage) can lead to marital discord and disturbances.

Afflictions to the 7th House: Afflictions to the 7th house can indicate potential challenges in marriage. This may include the presence of malefic planets or unfavorable aspects to the 7th house.

Dasha and Transits: The planetary periods (Dasha) and transits of malefic planets through the 7th house or its ruler can trigger disturbances in marriage. On the other hand, auspicious Dasha periods and transits can bring harmony and stability to the marital relationship.

Mangal Dosha: As mentioned earlier, the presence of Mangal Dosha in one’s birth chart is believed to create disturbances in marriage. This is particularly true if one partner has Mangal Dosha and the other does not, which can lead to compatibility issues.

Saturn’s Influence: An unfavorable placement of Saturn in the birth chart, especially in the 7th house or in aspect to the 7th house, can lead to delays and disturbances in marriage.

Planetary Retrogrades: Retrograde planets can sometimes cause delays and disruptions in various aspects of life, including marriage. The retrograde motion of planets can affect the timing and nature of marital events.

Kuja Dosha (Manglik Dosha): This is similar to Mangal Dosha but is also concerned with the placement of Mars. When Mars is afflicted in a birth chart, it can lead to challenges in marital life.

It’s important to note that while Vedic astrology offers insights into potential disturbances in marriage life, it does not determine the success or failure of a marriage on its own. Personal compatibility, communication, mutual respect, and other real-life factors play a crucial role in the harmony of a marital relationship. Astrology should be considered as one of several factors influencing one’s life and decisions. Individuals facing disturbances in their marriage should consult a qualified astrologer for personalized guidance and consider seeking professional counseling or therapy to address any relationship issues.

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